To celebrate the reprint of WHEN DARKNESS COMES at it's new low price coming August 1st I've decided to hold a contest for a chance to win an ARC of Supernatural. What I'm asking is that you share the news of Dante's book with someone who might never have tried the series :) Maybe a tweet, a mention on a blog, or a whisper to a neighbor...anything will be great! Then just tell me "I did it" in this blog and I'll put your name in the drawing!! And if everyone you know has already given the books a try, that's fine too. You are still welcomed to enter!
I'll draw two winners on July 31st!
Good luck to all!
Sorry. I forgot to change a spelling error and didn't see edit button.
So I did it. I post the news on my blog. If you want you can see it here - http://deeperthanbloodblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post.html
Am I eligible for the contest?
I did it, shared with the Paranormal Romance group on Goodreads :)
I loved the series, Jagr especially!
I did it! I just posted your facebook page/announcement on another facebook page (book club). I also wrote to a few friends on Goodreads that haven't read your series..love it;) Can't wait for the next one!
I did it. I shared this series with 2 of my girlfriends and they LOVE it!!! Thanks for writing this great series!!
I study in Czech republic where your books are available from only one certain bookstore. On the other hand, it is pretty much imposible to buy them in person in my home country Slovakia. But as I have many vampire-lover friends, my usual trips home sometimes change into book delivery service :D
Funny thing is, we´ve had Viper´s book, Styx´s, Cezar´s and Salvator´s, but there was no Dante until a few months ago :D Of course, the copies have already been distributed among my friends :)
Can´t wait until they publish Jagr!
I did it. Love your books so much.
I did it! I posted it on Facebook and told a bunch of my friends who love books.
I did it !!!!!!!
I just read when darkness comes so now I'm going onto Embrace the Darkness thanks
I did it! I shared it with a couple of my friends that read this genre and I also tweeted!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com
I did it! Got my mom and a couple friends to read kid whole series!
I did it. I mentioned your books to my mother in law and my book club.
I did it!! I gave the books to my daughter and she LOVES them almost as much as I do!
I did it!!! I told my neighbor ,who started reading book when she NEVER liked to read before!!! I let her borrow one of my books ,now she comes to me for ideas on who it read next!! Thank for the contest!
I did it! see my FB page..LOVE Dante!
Hi have got my friend totally obsessed with your guys! another one to add to our world!! just loved Dante, can they get any hotter, turn up the fan!!!!!!!!!!! mandyx
forgot to say this is through facebook paparnormal lovers site.x
"I did it"
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Jovial_1/status/93333552665600000
Thanks for the contest.
I did it...on FB. Also did a "mention" of your FB account and a link to the book on Amazon. I loved that book...it lured me into the Guardians of Eternity series. I already have the paperback edition, but I may have to get the kindle version at the new low price!
Tweeted, MySpaced and Facebooked. =) Hope it brings you new readers! Is so worth full price though!
I did it... I cannot wait for Bound by Darkness to come out and my husband has almost caught up to me in the series!
I did it! Can't wait for the next book.
I did it! But I already won a copy of Supernatural and it was awesome!!!!!
Keep up the wonderful writing!
I did it! Shared on Facebook & Goodreads!
I DID IT!!! ^_^""
I shared your books with a few of my friends, and one of them is now hopelessly hooked! Thanks again for writing this wonderful series! I can't wait for the next one!
I did it! My neighor and I traded Nooks and she is reading te series! :) Love the books, and can't wait for the next installment
I posted the news on my facebook! Oooh, I would so love that ARC!
I did it. Thank you for the chance to win you ROCK.
I have told several people I work with ALL about your series!!
Told my sister and a friend. They are paranormal junkies... they will be hooked in no time I am sure!!!
I did it, and thanks for the contest. :D Can't wait for your next book to come out! Shay has to be my favorite character. :3
Hi, My name is Linda, and I am addicted to the Guardians of Eternity. I have recommended and loaned my books to everyone I know and they are now falling apart, thank god for my kindle as I now have my own digital copies that can last a lifetime. I have Facebooked your books… friends profiles contain pictures of family and friends when my page consists of albums of your books and other that I love. Friends like to point out that I am a 33 year old woman with 3 children that has an obsession that is usually seen with teenagers :)
did it!!! i even got a friend of mine to buy it ;)
I did it! I let my mom borrow my entire collection!
I did it! I suggested your books to our Bulgarian Pub Houses and hope they will be interested.
Also, I twitted about the books - http://twitter.com/#!/Insomniac_VD/status/93610848429416448
I did it! I love love LOVE your work! I share what I have with all my friends who have yet to read some of your stuff!
I did it...my cousin will love it just like I did I am sure! Thank you for all the great hours of literary adventures you work so hard to put out for us.
I did it, I love your books and have shared them with all my friends!
Shared with my bestie!
Love these books!
mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com
If you lived near me I would wash your windows for this...and I DON'T do windows. So...please...I want this! Pleeze! :)
I did it i shared the series with my aunts who love paronormal romances and put it as a status update on my facebook!!!!
I did it immediately!!! Shared with my fellow blogging reviewers!!! So excited!!!
I did it:):)
Thanks for the chance to win!
I did it! Sent the amazon link to my sister since she just got a lot of spare time on her hands! Thank you for the giveaway :)
I posted it on my book club on Facebook! (Literal Addiction Paranormal Book Club)
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
I shared with all my friends on facebook, half of em are book lovers! Thanks for sharing with us!
I Did It!! Shared with my daughter who is in Love with series now as well. I am still hoping Lervert gets his own book one day.. He soo deserves it Mon petit héros. Thanks for the chance to win!
Chrystal Warmoth. wykedtruth@gmail.com
I did it
Great giveaway
I told my good friend Hailey months ago about your awesome series and I've also mentioned it all over Deviantart where I posted what I have written of the fanfiction:
- JillAnnBal
I did it! You're one of the few authors that I purchase every release!
I did it!!! ;)
It's on my Paranormal Addicts facebook page (for ALL books/authors paranormal!)
you can see my post here
whooooooohoooooooooo Love your series :) Your in my top 20 favorite authors and when my paranormaladdicts.com site goes live I'll have you listed along with all your paranormal books in reading order for everyone! I can't wait.. I'll have to add this one to the checklist I have for you! ;)
email swtlilangel4jc at yahoo dot com
I did it....have your books as keepers....
Cre Harvey
I did it and I am glad I did :D
Love the series. Can't wait for more!
i did it i told it to 10 friends i couldnt help myself!
I love your books & always tell me friends to check out your books!!
I did it! I have your books posted on my blog (in several places), as well as given the gift of your books to a friend for her birthday. I have also had four other friends read them. I purchased the first one on my kindle, but then decided that I just had to share them so I bought the actual books. Everyone that I have given them to absolutely loves them!
I did it! Got my mom and about eight of my friends to read/buy your books!!! Thanks for the contests!
I did it. I love the "Guardians of Eternity" series. I recommended it to my friends and my facebook page.
I shared it with my daughter and I told my other daughter to buy it...
I did it. I mentioned it to some friends.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I did it
I did it! I posted on my facebook status about it, and I posted it on my blog as well...
Jagr is hot. I did it. gave my mom 2 books to get started on since she is behind me in reading right now
I did it! :)
magabygc at gmail.com
I did it! I am just new to your series and love them. I had gotten in a rut with the paranormal world, not find books that held up to my standards and voila, I found yours! I am planning on buying the rest of your books and will continue to let friends know as well.
Keep up the good work.
I shared this awesome series with a friend! We love it!
I did it!! Posted it on my facebook profile :) I looooooooove these books!
Frist I wanted to say that I really love Dante. (I wish I could give the name to my son - but unfortunately in German that's not a good decision.)
But I told a colleague about your books and she fell in love with your stories. So you have now a new fan.
I did it!! I have told a few good friends of mine about all of your books and how amazing they are ;) I also mentioned you on the Were Vamps blog saying I would love to see you featured on the site. I love all of your books and I'm starving for more!
I did it. My oldest daughter is very excited. We love your books!!!
I did it!!! gave my sister a nudge towards the series...lucky she does not have to wait for the next one...been a week and have checked in she is on Darkness Everlasting...
Viper is my fav
I always share my favorite authors with my friends :D
I did it!! I told my sis-in-law. Love it!
I did it! Told sis-in-law about it!!
Love it!
I did it! Absolutely love your books &u I told my husband just how great they are!
I did it! I sent a link t a couple friends (including my ex-sister-in-law) who is my reading buddy. I'd love to try this anthology!
sallans d at yahoo dot com
I did it! I've been nagging my friend to pick up this series for months now and will still nag her till she does!
I did it! I tweeted it and will post a blog soon!
Heck...I recommend this book...the entire series all the time...I have one person who just started taking an interest in PNR...so I'll be sure to remind her to pick this book/series up.
Great contest...
I did it! [More than Once]
I did it!
I did it!!!! Can't wait!!
I did it. I think most of friends read your books already but hopefully we'll get a new reader.
I did it..i told a friend about you!!
I did it more than once!! Love your books!!
I did it more than once~~ Love your books!!
I did it! I told my co-workers about it--they know of my love of my "zombie books". The reason I call them zombie books is a long one, but in the event I'm the winner I'll explain ;).
I do it all the time!!! Love the books.
I did it! FB and @ my daughter's play group.
I did it I told my best friend about your series! she finished dantes story within 2 days and is hooked!
Ilove your books!
I did it!!! Shared the news with my book friends on Facebook!!! I love when a book is re-released!!!
I did it! Several times actually. Love the series!!
I did it!
I did it! Several times actually -and pasted my book onto my sisters and mother. Love the series!!
Someone recently recommended your books to me. Just added When Darkness Comes to my to be read pile. Excited to start reading.
I DID IT! My neighbor and a friend. Now they can be as obsessed as I am about this series. It gets better and better and thank you for updating the characters...can't wait for more!
I have at least 5 g/f's hooked on your book series and I shared my books with another new comer to the get "hooked on vamps"!!
LOVE love love your writing :)
I did it!!!
I did it!!!
I DID IT!!!!!!!
You are the Queen of paranormal...LOVE your series. Your biggest fan (Styx).
I did it. I told a friend at the pool today so she had something good to read this summer!
I dit it.
I love your books. And it s so hard to wait the next book
I did it!!! This is a awesome read summer that is for sure!!!
i hope i can be the winner.. count me ivy ^^, i love your book so much.thanks to write the fabulous book yeahhhh
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